Vigil Magazine:

Premiere Publication

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Read what's in this edition: Is President Obama's Life in Jeopardy? The Secret Service reports an unprecedented number of death threats against President Obama, read why?

"Killer Joe." Vice President Joe Biden is well known for his killer sense of humor, but another aspect regarding Joe Biden is his fight to reclaim his life.

Supreme Court Case of Elena Kagen vs. Thurgood Marshall. Kagen's selection to the Supreme Court may mean upholding laws that will undermine the privacy and civil liberties of all citizens. This action alone would cause the Late Justice Thurgood Marshall to turn over in his grave.

Global Ambitions Lead to Global Sharecroppers. The history of the Federal Reserve System, and the usurpation of the global economy and your money.

Farrakhan Predicts His Own Death! The Nation of Islam (NOI) Leader-Minister Louis Farrakhan predicts his own death and charts the next course for the NOI. Find out who will be the next leader of the NOI?

Vigil Magazine: Premiere Publication

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