Fitness Magazine

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Published by:
Harib Shaqsy
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
34 pages Perfect-bound
Health & Fitness
body building, Bodybuilder, bodybuilders, bodybuilding, Bodybuilding Articles, exercises, fitness, get ripped, muscle, workouts

Successful weight loss is so much more than dieting. You will be taught the 10 easy rules of dieting and fat loss. I was amazed at my progress right from the start. The more you lose the more you want to lose. It was actually easy to reach my goal weight once I was armed with the right plan for me. Stay away from programs where you are required to eat their food. This will only cost you lots of cash, and once you stop their food…hello pounds! When we asked readers what they wanted in each issue of Muscle & Fitness, the results were enlightening. In terms of how you hit the weights, you guys are split pretty evenly between overall strength training and bodybuilding-style isolation training. Ninety-percent of you, however, said you're interested in regularly changing things up with your training and diversifying your workouts. You essentially want it all, and that's what we're giving you with this issue.

Fitness Magazine

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