Regimes Museum Journal Volume 9, Issue 1

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Published by:
Regimes Museum
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
30 pages Perfect-bound
Cold War, collapse, communism, East Germany, Eastern Europe, history, Media, mexico, museum, nahautl annals, Regimes, social science, sociology, Soviet Union, tito, tyranny

RM Journal Volume 9, Issue 1 features four articles ranging from the role of media as an agent of socialization, the MfS -Stasi- Main Department of Personnel and Training, and the cover feature article of the failed socialist experiment of Tito's Yugoslavia. As part of our commitment to studying the phenomenon of tyranny and political oppression across history and culture, this issue's concluding article covers a rare and unique perspective of tyranny from an earlier era, namely that of the Spanish Conquest of Meso-America. Told from the perspective of natives who lived through the events and saved it for posterity in the Nahautl Annals and other native artwork, the reader sees that much myth making took place in the records of the Spanish Conquest. This is followed by a peek into the archives showing material from our Yugoslavian, Soviet, Communist Poland, and East Germany collections.

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Regimes Museum Journal Volume 9, Issue 1

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