Regimes Museum Journal Volume 8, Issue 2

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Published by:
Regimes Museum
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
30 pages Perfect-bound
academic, border crisis, Cold War, conflict, food trafficking, Germany, history, immigration, maduro, maduro diet, mfs, museum, north korea, OCCUPATION, stasi, United States, Venezuela

Regimes Museum Journal Volume 8, Issue 2 features our new Resident Historian Dominique Garcia. Her article, Tengo Hambre, explores the dark reality if life under Venezuela's Maduro government and the policies that led to the devastating food crisis. The Maduro Diet, as some Venezuelans have called it, is chiefly responsible for the average citizen to lose around 24 pounds each year. Read on to learn more about this fascinating article! Also included in this issue is a follow up article on North Korea and it's nuclear weapons program, and an article on human rights abuses facing Latin Americans seeking to escape poverty and hunger in their home countries. Learn more by getting your copy today!

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Regimes Museum Journal Volume 8, Issue 2

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