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  • Description
Published by:
Melissa Martinez
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Crafts & Hobbies
Acts of Knittery, cowl, freia handpaints, gradient, harleen, in the round, knit, knitting, ombre, pattern, pointed, sport weight, stockinette

This stockinette stitch cowl has a slightly flared pointed wavy edge which reminds me of the jester-like collar worn by fictional comic book character Harley Quinn aka Dr. Harleen Quinzel.

The main portion of the cowl is worked in stockinette stitch and then capped off by few rows of garter stitch. The cowl is worked in the round from the bottom up on circular needles to eliminate seaming at the end.

The cowl looks particularly stunning when knit in gradient or ombre yarns such as Freia Handpaints Ombre Sport in the colorway Lichen. You will need about 215 yards of it. Instructions are also included for customizing the size of your cowl but please note that if you make the cowl larger you will need to purchase additional yarn.

The difficulty level for this pattern is Advanced Beginner.

Also in Melissa Martinez (Acts of Knittery) Wholesale Patterns

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Melissa Martinez (Acts of Knittery) Wholesale Patterns: Harleen Cowl

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