Celebrate/Demonstrate: Photographs of Global LA

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Featuring compelling images of festivals and political rallies by California photographer Cindy Bendat, this book highlights the extraordinary cultural diversity of the greater Los Angeles area. Bendat’s photographs powerfully illustrate ways in which immigrants maintain homeland traditions in the United States and express their ethnic and cultural identity by offering an intimate view of three annual celebrations held in and around Los Angeles: the late-October fiesta for the Guatemalan folk saint San Simón, the mid-January Ethiopian Orthodox Timket festivities, and the mid-April Cambodian New Year or Chaul Chnam Thmey.

Focusing on activism, the book also includes Bendat’s Legalize L. A. series showing how diverse communities citywide engage in collective action in their struggle for inclusion and immigration reform.

This book is issued in conjunction with the Celebrate/Demonstrate: Photographs of Global LA exhibit at the Fowler Museum at UCLA in 2016.

Other Publications by Cindy Bendat

1 other publication

Celebrate/Demonstrate: Photographs of Global LA

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