Brian Vox (voxart9)
This member hasn't added a bio to their profile.
This member hasn't added a bio to their profile.
by Brian Vox
12"x18" Mini Poster - CatWalk Featuring the artwork of Voxart9. Suitable for framing.
by Brian Vox
Volume 3. This showcases all cover art from "Protectors of Inner Space - The New Voyages" #1through #12 including annuals and extras. Also includes…
by Brian Vox
12"x12" wire bound calendar for 2021 featuring the art of Brian Vox (Voxart9) in the darker style he is known for. Dark femme fatales.
by Brian Vox
12"x12" wire bound calendar for 2021 featuring the art of Brian Vox (Voxart9) in a slightly more "pin-up" style, but still wth the Vox "edge"