Julissa Ventureno (julissaventureno)
All book sales will go to paying my tuition for college.
This book is about my identity as a dreamer and how being DACAmented has affected my relationship with myself and my family.
I'm a storyteller, telling stories through writing, photography, and videos. I'm Editor-in-Chief of “The Oarsman” newspaper. I'm creator and Director of the Oarsman Report (a subhead broadcast channel for her school newspaper). I will study Psychology and Multimedia Production at UC Davis or UC Berkeley after graduation. I plan to bring her knowledge back to her community and help low-income families.
I live in a low-income community- the projects. Despite the gang violence, exposure to drug abuse and an overall bad neighborhood, I've maintained a 3.9 GPA and manage to have leadership roles in extracurriculars, all while helping my parents with their business, household chores and taking care of her two younger sisters.