Eric Denton (IAmEricAnArtist)

I really love creating things for a living. Making a great photograph or designing a clean business card makes me feel like I am actually contributing something. Nashville has really been a great place to come up as a creative, as it has been growing so rapidly. There so many art groups, cooperatives, upstart galleries, and established exhibition spaces in and around town, that make evolving an artistic “self” just takes a little time and a lot of work.

IAmEricAnArtist 'Nuff Said.


Collection: These Small Things

1 publication

  • These Small Things: We Made These

    Nashville photographer Eric Denton has taken four young and promising photographers (ages 10-14) under his wing to share some of his photographic…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $5.00