CENTRAL BOOKING MAGAZINE, in concert with its parent art space CENTRAL BOOKING, aims to mediate the zeitgeist of the book arts panorama, as articulated within a broader totality of artistic theory and practice.

Addressing the work of both established and emerging artists, CENTRAL BOOKING MAGAZINE champions those who challenge our most deeply seated notions regarding what a book is and where it belongs. Containing interviews with collectors of artist’s books as well as their creators, CENTRAL BOOKING MAGAZINE gives voice to both sides of the fascination with book-as-art-object.

This endeavor emerged from desire: to curate concepts, not just objects; to investigate and describe the abiding passions and latest activity of a capaciously-conceived sphere of printmakers, binders, sculptors, painters, photographers, video artists, art lovers, librarians, poets, bibliophiles and bibliophages, antiquarians and deconstructionists alike.

These pages exist as an open invitation to any and all with the desire to view, possess, or generate works, which, by their very existence, defy either-or constructs of art vs. literature, effectively interrogating the essence of “bookness.”

In addition to articles, interviews, tutorials, art projects and annotated announcements of artist’s-book-related events around the country, each issue of the magazine will also function as a catalog of CENTRAL BOOKING Gallery II’s quarterly cross-over exhibitions, multi-disciplinary explorations of the intersection of art and science.

Collection: CENTRAL BOOKING Exhibition Catalogues

1 - 4 of 6 publications View All

Collection: CENTRAL BOOKING Magazine

1 - 4 of 24 publications View All