BookEM Magazine


Advertising and Promotional Magazine Available in Print an Digital versions. Like Bookem Magazine on Facebook and follow @BookemMagazine on Instagram and Twitter.

Publications in BookEM Magazine

5 Publications

  • BookEM Magazine: BookEM Magazine #14

    BookEM Magazine #14 featuring: Bella Howard, Wendy Lee, Paris Gabor, Heidi Search Center, Jenica Rosario, Marisa Soules, Cheyenne Williams, Sylvester…

    Square / 8" x 8"
    Print + Digital: $11.99 Digital: $4.99
  • BookEM Magazine: BookEM Magazine #13

    BookEM Magazine #13 features: Cover biker "Hunnie Bee", Eden O., Jenica Rosario, Mayra, Bailey Jewels, Lissa W., Althea Rene, Mz. Jewdee, Curtis…

    Square / 8" x 8"
    Print + Digital: $11.99 Digital: $4.99
  • BookEM Magazine: BookEM Magazine #12

    BookEM Magazine #12 featuring: DeeAnn, Genesis Boutique, Versatile Stylez (E, Jay, Brenda, Mario), Susie Smiles, Bailey Jewels, Carlee Victoria,…

    Square / 8" x 8"
    Print + Digital: $11.99 Digital: $4.99
  • BookEM Magazine: BookEM Magazine #11

    BookEM Magazine: The Inked Edition. We photographed and questioned a few people to see what their responses were in regards to their tattoo…

    Square / 8" x 8"
    Print + Digital: $11.99 Digital: $4.99
  • BookEM Magazine: BookEM Magazine #10

    BookEM Magazine: The Breast Cancer Awareness Edition. This publication features a host of supporters and a couple survivors. If you're interested in…

    Square / 8" x 8"
    Print + Digital: $11.99 Digital: $4.99

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