
Paul Taylor

This magazine features selections and serialisations from Just Six Days Publications. J6D Publications are part of the ministry of Paul Taylor, and feature books, articles etc. on a number of subjects - such as creationism, classical pentecostalism, historic premillenialism, UK constitutional issues and Israel.

Publications in 6Days

2 Publications

  • 6Days: Issue 02

    This magazine contains the second part of Bunyan's commentary on Genesis and the second part of Paul Taylor's 'No Time for Itching Ears'. Pauline…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $8.00 Digital: Free!
  • 6Days: First Issue

    This issue features extracts from John Bunyan's commentary on Genesis (chapter 1), the doctrine of the Trinity in Genesis (from Paul Taylor's new…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $10.00

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