- Publisher:
- Influzz Magazine
- Since:
- 2022
Timeless Fashion & Beauty Magazine
Publications in BELLE
21-30 of 37 Publications
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 17 - Primavera
- Various Femininities [@yuliashauerman @ph_hedgehog Incanto] - Aishwarya [@aishwarya.chandrasekhar @satzsugi @ayeshaaccessories @n.manyfashion…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 16 - Singspiel
- Spring Mood [@photo_belik @m.belikoff.life @afro_kosy_rnd] - The Essence of Spring [@mor_hershkovitz @barakbenhayun Adika Second] - SHE…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 15 - Arioso
- One day as a model [@tiburonblanco84 New Collection Candida] - White Lines [@_biliescu_ @3008_dariaa @iuliaaaa.k Diana Cociuba Ioana Mangut…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 14 - Alegria
- Anastasia [@saa_forever2003 @vladislaw_ @kononova_kv @mode.production @lizagirlina] - The Seeds Of Royality [@alina_fatieieva_model…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 13 - Venerdi
- Kristina [@_kristi_cinnamoon_ @vladislaw_ @mi_a.p @mode.production @angmuah] - Divine Spirit [@ariadnaespada @sara_nophotos @marialawlietmuah] -…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 12 - Squillo
- Hair Imitating Art [@johammer @dedan_photography @archanaaneja @kevincarterartistryofhair] - Pink Cloud [@julsineya_photo] - Athena [@puertorican…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 11 - Quidam
- Dancing in the Dark [@termenaster @prosto_photo_by_yana @nfiliptseva.ph @e_bashmakova] - Ginger Amore [@amarahoddy @oskphotochi] - Anastasia…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 10 - Vibrato
- Passion Is Beauty [@korniichuk_sofiia @montemonte58] - Raíces [@pamelajrg @oliver_arjona7 @_enricomoreno @kathycalderonmx…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 9 - Momento
- Timeless [@beag.22 @_pastuccia_ @fede.v21 @etrusca.digalante.photography @flavia.calo.10 @mattpastucci @perigonia2.0] - Westworld [@xeniayusova…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40 -
BELLE: BELLE Magazine - Issue 8 - Leitmotiv
- A Star Is Born [@hollyalexanderpriest @alistaircowin Eileen Dover @michelle] - Posing In Boston [Sasha V @igorboston] - Elisabeth [@elizb.51…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.80 Digital: $14.40