- Publisher:
- Janna Marlies Maron
- Since:
- 2011
Under the Gum Tree is a quarterly literary magazine, publishing creative nonfiction and visual art in the form of a micro-magazine. We believe in the power of sharing a story without shame. Too much of the human experience gets hidden behind constructed facades based on what we perceive the world expects from us. Stop hiding. Live a story. Tell it without shame. And by without shame, we mean that the authors and contributors featured in our pages own their story, even the ugly parts, and share it with pure, unadulterated, raw, candid vulnerability. For more information on subscriptions and submitting your work, please visit underthegumtree.com
Publications in Under the Gum Tree
41-50 of 53 Publications
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::Oct 2014
Featuring stories by J.J. Anselmi, Johnny Blevins, Brigitte Bowers, Mary Collins, Lesley Howard, Cannon Roberts, Kate Washington and Wendy Patrice…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $23.20 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::July 2014
Featuring stories by Lucy Black, Robert Freedman, Justine Ickes, Patrick Kindig, Rachel Lowrance, Janna Marlies Maron, and Chelsea Schott. Nonfiction…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $23.60 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::April 2014
Featuring stories from Jessica Hagemann, Mark Lewandowski, Deborah Meltvedt, Ryan Mitchell, Katy Sargent, Sheila Squillante, Pamela Williamson.…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $20.00 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::Jan 2014
Featuring stories by Laurie Easter, Jaclyn Harte, Adrian Koesters, Melissa Matthewson, Debora Meltvedt and Lisa Romeo. Nonfiction stories cover…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $20.80 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::Oct 2013
Featuring stories by Jacqueline Alnes, Jacqueline Doyle, David Gardner, Jeff Goins, Penny Guisinger, Brenda Miller, Lynn Shattuck, Sheryl St.…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $28.00 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::July 2013
Featuring stories by Mare Biddle, Elizabeth Bales Frank, Robert Freedman, Lee Olson, Linda Silver, Robert Vivian. Nonfiction stories cover themes of…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $22.80 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::April 2013
Featuring stories by Elison Alcovendaz, Erin Ashenhurst, Samuel Autman, Stephanie Dickinson, Heather Scott Partington, Susan Pope and Michael J.…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $27.99 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::Jan 2013
Featuring stories by Lucy Black, David Berner, Timothy Kenny, Betsy Johnson, Mehgan McClure and Debora Meltvedt. Stories cover topics from coping…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $21.99 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::Oct 2012
Our one-year anniversary issue! Featuring stories by Renee E. D'Aoust, Marissa Korbel, Mandy Len, Chris Malcomb, Jeremy Maron, Brenda Nakamoto, James…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $27.99 Digital: $4.99 -
Under the Gum Tree: Under the Gum Tree::July 2012
Featuring stories by Kate Asche, Elaine Gale, Nicole Maron, Jennifer Basye Sander, Kirsti Sandy, Chris Wiewiora, Georgann Turner, visual art by…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $23.99 Digital: $4.99