- Publisher:
- Harold Hamilton
- Since:
- 2011
Our Magazine is about Hott new talent ,and business and entrepreneurs on the uprise , right here in Dallas Texas, Dallas is a melting Pot of undiscovered talent , from Beautiful Models with Talent ,Rap Artist , Chefs , and business moguels , But with Dynamite Dallas Dimes , you can showcase your talent and let the world know about you and your dreams
Publications in Dynamite Dallas Dime Pieces
1 Publication
Dynamite Dallas Dime Pieces: Hot New magazine brings Pool of Talent
Our Magazine is about Hott new talent ,and business and entrepreneurs on the uprise , right here in Dallas Texas, Dallas is a melting Pot of…
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"Print + Digital: $9.00 Digital: $3.99