
Edmund Zagorin

Superplus is a pop culture / social theory journal that seeks to both celebrate and critically examine the vapid commercialism and hysterical politics of our moment. Think lolcatz. Think 20,00 plastic smiley faces, in a row. Think 2012. Think infomercials. Think Miley Cyrus. What does this mean and how can we as thinking creatures make sense of it all? Or at least have some fun with it? We want to open a file on the shadowy apparatuses of power, draw up genealogies of today's prevalent ideologies and create micro-ethnographies of emergent sub-cultures. Interested? Check us out today.

Publications in Superplus

1 Publication

  • Superplus: Volume III: The Monad/Nomad

    Superplus Volume III is jam-packed with the usual level of low-carb high-octane social theory spotlighting macrosocial marginalia, featuring a number…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $4.20 Digital: Free!

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