Magnolia Editions

Other Publications by Magnolia Editions

8 Publications

  • Handmade Paper Method Cinquecento

    Magnolia Editions director Donald Farnsworth has worked for years to recreate the richly textured papers of the Italian Renaissance at a large scale…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $25.80 Digital: Free!
  • Kiki Smith: Tapestries

    Kiki Smith's critically acclaimed tapestries depict "a mythical world wherein human and animal forms entwine with natural phenomena" (Chelsea…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $25.00 Digital: $10.00
  • Japanese Papermaking

    A comprehensive guide to Japanese Papermaking tools and techniques, surveying traditional methods depicted in historical woodcuts as well as…

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $20.00
  • Momigami

    Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
    Print: $17.08
  • Determinate Hand Papermaking

    Determinate papermaking refers to papermaking with a precise and specific target size, weight, and style. Aimed at conservators, papermakers,…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $39.80
  • I Forget I'm Human

    In the colorful mixed-media works of “I Forget I’m Human,” Donald and Era Farnsworth investigate and comment upon the relationship between humanity…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $30.60
  • Chuck Close: Projects

    Chuck Close's tapestry and print editions, translated from daguerreotypes, Polaroids, and watercolor marks, realize the artist's signature conflation…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $48.60
  • Art Notes

    Using actual dollar bills as the physical foundation for each work, the artists satirize, ponder and comment upon the monetary system, politics, art,…

    Digest / 8.25" x 5.25"
    Print + Digital: $30.44

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