David Harris

"In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art." - Susan Sontag her essay "Against Interpretation"

While Sontag was commenting on how art was following a path that emphasized meaning over aesthetics, science has always trod those steps. But science's culture, and it's effectiveness, are partly determined precisely by those aesthetics that scientists typically want to discount.

How do we understand the interplay between nature, as represented by science, and culture, the ultimately human creation?

Sciartics will explore these questions through pieces of art, design, and other media that might not give you the answers but will push you to think about the questions.

Publications in SCIARTICS

1 Publication

  • SCIARTICS: The Wake Manifesto

    An agitation against the conservatism of science, in the style of Wyndham Lewis's and the Vorticist movement's BLAST magazine.

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print + Digital: $3.35 Digital: Free!

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