The Aerie Ballroom in Centralia, Washington:

The Family Shoe Store in Port Angeles Washigton

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
PIHA - Paranormal Investigations of Historic America
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
16 pages Saddle-stitched
Travel & Vacations
ghost, grey team, haunted, history, museum, Olympic Peninsula, paranormal, piha, port angeles, port gamble, port townsend, wa, washington

For over 80 years and (4) generations, the Thompson family has operated a shoe store on the ground floor. Previous to our ownership, there have been many occupants including the Sheriffs Department, the Auditors Office, a mercantile store a fish market. The second floor has been restored and is open to the public as a historic landmark. Originally, "The Portland Rooms" later changed to "The Essen Rooms was one of at least seven Front Street brothels until forced to close in 1942.

Also in The Aerie Ballroom in Centralia, Washington

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