Always Therro:

Alwayz Therro - Dana Hamm - July 2015

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Published by:
Always Therro
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
154 pages Perfect-bound
Alwayz Therro, alwayz therro magazine, therro

July is a month of American pride and celebration. It's time once again celebrate Iconic Beauty Images, and it's talent for creating some of the most unique and exciting imagery on the planet! We've seen a lot of great work from them, but this feature presentation may trump them all. We have some of the world's sexiest women with the world's most powerful animals! The best part's completely real. No photo shop needed. IBI works closely with renowned animal trainers to create truly magical images. Art you can appreciate. Needless to say don't try this at home. These are experienced models working with trained animals and their handlers. From the mountains to the canyons, you'll go on a wild pictorial journey with the talented photographer, Scott Schisler. Are you an animal lover? Do you want to book a once-in-a-lifetime shoot that will help you to stand out? Contact and inquire about their upcoming photo shoots. You can even shoot for AT Magazine!

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Always Therro: Alwayz Therro - Dana Hamm - July 2015

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