Jim Vecchi - Photography:

Somewhere Called Home

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Published by:
Jim Vecchi
Square / 8" x 8"
84 pages Perfect-bound
alone, color, Home, photography, Pittsburgh, place, simple, street

Over 30 years ago, I left the city where I was born and raised, certain I’d never live there again. Now, however, circumstances have changed. Having aged parents with failing health, I feel the need to be near.

During my time away, I traveled extensively and resided overseas for more than 10 years, finding I could go anywhere and quickly feel at ease. In sharp contrast, returning to live in this place I once called home, I often felt disconnected, like a stranger in a strange land.

When confronted with new environments, I’ve often found that photographing not only connects me with my surroundings, but also with my thoughts and feelings. Cautiously, hoping that this would once again be the case, I began to explore my familiar yet unfamiliar new home, camera in hand.

Having no preconceived idea of how or what I’d photograph, I worked slowly and deliberately. I was drawn to small, unspectacular, everyday moments; simple moments that were rich in nuance, gesture and detail.

Also in Jim Vecchi - Photography

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Jim Vecchi - Photography: Somewhere Called Home

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