Secdum 2015:

Secdum Magazine: OUT OF THIS WORLD (#2)- Spring Issue 7

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Published by:
Secdum Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
50 pages Perfect-bound
art, entertainment, fashion, gospel, inspirational, music, Music Awards, music review, poetry

Introduction To Out Of This World: We have the ability and intelligence to become great people, so why do we constantly settle for less than we are? To become great and achieve greatness one must think outside the box to beat their rivals, but what if our rivals are ourselves. What if our bad times got worse and our problems got deeper? What if we can’t see a way out of the hole? Becoming great is using the situation you are in or have learned from by overcoming them by any righteous means. Sounds great right? Until you put your blood, sweat and tears into it. Out Of This World is about combining all of my past themes like Cosmopolitan, The Golden Age, Supernova, Champion and sky rock it to another level like never before. Welcome to a new world with endless creative possibilities.

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Secdum 2015: Secdum Magazine: OUT OF THIS WORLD (#2)- Spring Issue 7

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