Pirin Shawl

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Heather Brown
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Fashion & Style
color work, colorwork, fingering weight, garter, lace, stockinette, Stripes, Triangular shawl

The Pirin shawl is a tri-color shawl worked from the bottom up showcasing the beautiful earthy colors reminiscent of the Bulgarian mountain range after which it is named.

The shawl maintains a vertical stripe in Garter stitch with alternating colors in Stockinette, divided by eyelet rows. By the time you reach the third color, the pattern is easily memorized.

Instructions are in written form along with tips on shaping and avoiding gaps between colors.

The yardage required for this shaw will use most of the skein of the primary color leaving plenty extra on the secondary and tertiary colors.

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Pirin Shawl

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