Glow From The Inside Out Cookbook

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Published by:
Modest Beautiful Muslima Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
46 pages Perfect-bound
cookbook, cooking, healthy, organic, recipe book

Dear Sister, This cookbook is a tribute to how sacred you are. Our Creator created you already glowing. This cookbook is packed with love to help you uncover or enhance that glow. It is meant to inspire you to take care of that beautiful mind, body, and soul He entrusted you with. These temporary trusts are both a vehicle and a bridge, so we must take care of them.

The recipes I chose to share in this cookbook have been hand-crafted and carefully chosen to ensure that it tastes good, makes you feel good, and fuels your body efficiently.

As always, Wellness with Yasmin is grounded in the philosophy that each human is bio-individual and unique. Therefore, if something here does not work for you, simply leave it and take what does work for you, inshaAllah (Godwilling).

Keep glowing, my dear sister

Love, Yasmin

Glow From The Inside Out Cookbook

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