6th Annual Shorty Awards Book:

Winning on Social Media: Case Studies from the 6th Annual Shorty Awards

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Published by:
Aaron Taylor-Waldman
Digest / 8.25" x 5.25"
96 pages Perfect-bound
case studies, case study, Communications, digital marketing, marketing, Public Relations, shorty awards, social media

We're excited to share a compilation of the most impressive winners from the 6th Annual Shorty Awards competition. Find out what stood out to our Academy and draw inspiration from the top content creators and marketers on social media.

The Shorty Awards honor the best of social media, recognizing the people and organizations producing real-time short form content across Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube, Instagram, Vine, and the rest of the social Web.

Social media gives companies a human touch, bringing customers closer to their favorite brands while allowing marketers to engage directly with followers in fun and creative ways. The Shorty Awards honor the talented agencies, brands, and leaders behind the best social media channels, campaigns, websites, games, and applications.

6th Annual Shorty Awards Book: Winning on Social Media: Case Studies fro...

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