
AmigosNAZ August 2014

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Published by:
Frank Moraga
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
16 pages Saddle-stitched
back to school, Coconino County, cultura, culture, education, español, Flagstaff, healthcare, hispanic, LATINO, Northern Arizona, Northern Arizona University, sales tax, Social Security, transportation, Veterans

The August 2014 edition of AmigosNAZ begins with a cover story on the challenges and opportunities facing parents, students, teachers and administrators during back-to-school season. The edition also includes information on the opening of the Poore Medical Clinic — Sunnyside; a report on a three-year research grant presented to Northern Arizona University to promote academic success among young Spanish-speaking English learners; efforts by the City of Flagstaff and Coconino County to seek ballot arguments from voters on two transportation-related measures on the Nov. 4 ballot; details on a veterans legal information program; tips on Social Security retirement benefits, a listing of upcoming events in the region and a preview of slideshows of recent events that can be found at All this and more brought to you by AmigosNAZ — Providing information for and about the vibrant Latino community in Northern Arizona.

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AmigosNAZ: AmigosNAZ August 2014

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