Splickety Magazine:

Splickety Prime 3.2

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Published by:
Splickety Publishing Group
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
Literature & Writing
Andrew Winch, Arpit Mehta, Ben Wolf, Jerry B. Jenkins, Lindsay Franklin, Robin Harnist, Sarah Grimm

Splickety Prime 3.2 is here! This month's featured author is New York Time’s best-selling author Jerry B. Jenkins. His story, “Narrow Escape,” is the perfect example of this issue’s theme: grace. Seven other grace-filled stories pack the issue, all told from unique points of view, ranging from a child thief to a former gang member to a man who picks up dead bodies for the funeral home. Sometimes the main characters are on the giving end of grace; other times they're on the receiving end.

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Splickety Magazine: Splickety Prime 3.2

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