Danger Girls: A New World:

Danger Girls: A New World

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  • Details
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Published by:
Dano Gruen
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
90 pages Perfect-bound
Comics & Graphic Novels
Action, blood, boobs, comic, Gory, graphic novel, guns, post apocalyptic, sexy, steampunk

Danger Girls: A New World

A small chapter in the tale of Lily and Colette Dangerous; a pair of post apocalyptic steampunk danger girls.

The setting is sun blasted desert. Lily and Colette Dangerous are going to a meeting in their beat up old suburban.

They have a skull and they turn it in to claim a reward from the Greasy Man. They collect the reward and then Kill the Greasy Man. Seems he has a reward out for him too.

But things are not as they seem. The Greasy Man can’t be killed. In fact he is an agent of an old, long slumbering evil. The Danger Girls don’t know it but this has been an audition. Their audition. The Greasy Man is sending them on an errand.

Refusal to go or failure to complete the Greasy Man’s errand could rend the souls of the Danger Girls and everyone they care about.

Danger Girls: A New World: Danger Girls: A New World

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