
pages_134 and 135

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Published by:
henri félix fortier durand
Poster / 18" x 12"
2 pages
birch blocs, old rusted latch with shiny screws

images #134/135 from the book; the last poster from this book and one which exemplifies perfectly my personal consideration about what comes out of my psyche, flowing out intuitively, because I have been alive within the rules which promote quietness, silence, space; no watch around my wrist, ever, no competitive aim, no desire to be promoted, no hiding of my biology curve of time which has reached 72 years, on the contrary, humbly living; a peasant of old yore, tilling his land, from sunrise to sunset, that is me and nothing more; but the tilling job is quite demanding, in fact 24/24, 7/7, 12/12; seeding images is a monks job and today, monks still at it must be 'totally creasy', a conclusion which precludes any introspection into the 'sayer' of these sad sadly lazy words.

Also in ProCrea-Air12/1

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ProCrea-Air12/1: pages_134 and 135

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