
Amigos805 December 2013

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Published by:
Frank Moraga
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Saddle-stitched
art & culture, business, calendar, charity, christmas, commentary, finance, food, health, healthcare, hispanic, holiday, LATINO, San Luis Obispo County, Santa Barbara County, technology, University, Ventura County

The December 2013 edition of Amigos805 opens with a cover story on the holiday season in the 805 region from Christmas tree lighting ceremonies and holiday parades to religious and cultural celebrations and charitable campaigns; information on a program by StoryCorps to preserve your stories, history; information on a financial education workshop for potential and new homeowners; a column on upcoming holiday events; a column on how commercialism is now dominating family traditions; updates on upcoming events in the 805 region; tips on developing a small business plan; and a variety of holiday ideas regarding your health, spending, technology and food. All this and more brought to you by Amigos805 — Providing information for and about the vibrant Latino community in Ventura, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.

Also in Amigos805

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Amigos805: Amigos805 December 2013

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