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Published by:
henri félix fortier durand
Poster / 18" x 12"
2 pages
Science & Nature
bacteria, Beach, blue, clouds, rocks, sand, sea

I imagine walking inside of me; now I know that 90% of this me is bacterial no more no less; I remain alive simply because their billions keep finding ways of agreeing to this or that; without the need to nuke each other out of the way; so I walk inside my colourful avenues streams beaches mountains and here I have made up a 3D world of what might be my inside; out of curiosity a first trip or trial at 'seeing' me; the me itself not the one concocted through social mirrors mythic aggregates bloody landscapes of piles of burning bodies; no simply what is or could be at the beach, one of the many inside of me, those peopled by my bacterias; those who nourish me with so many gut feelings that I have learned to read these as a farmer would the ripples of winds through the fields of a life nurtured to accomplishment.

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