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Published by:
Forrest Martin
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
40 pages Perfect-bound
art, Death, documentary, Donal Mosher, Erika Somogyi, fiction, Illustration, Khaela Maricich, Maya Hayuk, mortality, non-fiction, painting, Phil Elverum, philosophy, photography, polaroid, Scott Barry, Shawn Records, the universe, Tom Spanbauer

Get in the van! Death magazine begins its journey as a stranger to you, and asks contributors to comment on the same topic. Among others, issue #1 features a short story about babies and pigs by Tom Spanbauer (author of The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon), imagery from Scott Barry's One Foot In The Other World, The Other Foot In The Other World show, a paper opera play by Phil Elverum (Mt. Eerie/The Microphones), space explosions by Maya Hayuk, funeral reviews by Khaela Maricich (The Blow) and Donal Mosher (co-director of October Country), and photos by Shawn Records.

Life is a relationship with fleetingness, and "Death: a magazine for the enthusiast and non-enthusiast alike" is a bi-annual magazine that speaks to this; a curated journal which asks writers and visual artists to address the topic however they wish, in whatever tone. What is it, and - if I care - why do I care?

  • Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"

    Print: $11.00 +

    Digital: Free!

  • Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"

    Print: $11.00 +

    Digital: Free!

  • Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"

    Print: $11.00 +

    Digital: Free!

Death: a magazine for the enthusiast and non-enthusiast alike: Strangers

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