10: Summer

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Published by:
Bipedal Dog
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
60 pages Perfect-bound
history, nostalgia, playstation, ps1, PS2, PS3, video games

The summer holiday exemplifies freedom, especially for children, who have freedom from school and responsibility. And quite often there's the freedom of going on faraway trips, where discovery is constant and memories build and remain. That's the essence of Boku no Natsuyasumi (My Summer Vacation), a Japanese PlayStation series that celebrates summer and nostalgia through the tales of a young boy from the city experiencing summer in remote parts of Japan more than 30 years ago. This issue covers the four main My Summer Vacation titles, plus the developer's newest game Attack of the Friday Monsters, and summer memories from SCROLL readers throughout. Following that is SCROLL's first developer interview; a rare in-depth profile of My Summer Vacation creator Kaz Ayabe, detailing his process in making the series. Don't miss it.

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SCROLL: 10: Summer

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