The Auburn Letter:

The Auburn Letter: Performing Arts

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Published by:
britt friesen
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
32 pages Perfect-bound
Literature & Writing
Ballerina, Ballerina Project, ballet, Cambridge, dance, Hamilton, Middle Eastern Dancing, National Ballet of Canada, performing arts, photography, poetry, Victoria

The Auburn Letter is a publication allowing for the self expression of people from all walks of life through the visual arts, photography and all forms of writing.

The Auburn Letter is based out of Hamilton and aims to spark meaningful discussions and celebrate our writers and photographers!

The Performing Arts issue includes three interviews with ballerinas of the national ballet of Canada, a piece discussing the relationship between performance art and the daredevils with their tightropes, the ballerina project and its different forms in Cambridge, Victoria, Vancouver, Hamilton among others.

Also in The Auburn Letter

2 other publications

The Auburn Letter: The Auburn Letter: Performing Arts

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