Spirited Magazine:

Spirited VII. Dystopia

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Published by:
Spirited Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
90 pages Perfect-bound
art, dystopia, fashion, fiction, Magazine, photography, poetry, storytelling

Spirited VII. Dystopia

Dystopia is now.

We’ve assembled a long-form and picturesque collection comprised of and by our heroes and friends who have visually explored losing track of the moment. That moment in which every human’s strength becomes his weakness, on which his weakness becomes his strength. They all made a contribution for you. Every contribution has its own story, independent from the others, and still it seems as if an invisible thread connects them all.

Featuring: Nina Mashurova, Leonie Bradbury, Avion Pearce, Young Park, Cassie Pinner, Elizabeth K. Doran, Julia Blank, Avion Pearce, Gabriele Dimola, Brian Roach, Tammy Lamoureux, Sarah Ann Loreth, Anthony Palocci Jr., Alex Gibbs, Katie O'Brien, Nathan Johnson, Celia Rowlson-Hall.

Thank you to everyone who influenced and inspired.

Also in Spirited Magazine

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Spirited Magazine: Spirited VII. Dystopia

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