
Electro Blood Z: mini Vol. 1

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Published by:
Jack Flynn
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
20 pages Perfect-bound
Comics & Graphic Novels
comedy, comic, Electro Blood Z, eyepatch, fight, funny, hipster, makado, manga, ninja, Oliver, punk, saga, superhero, vampire, wrestling

Electro blood Z mini vol.1 is the first issue of a 5 part series that showcases the incredible and wondrous talents of it's protagonist "Oliver Ollypott" an over zealous adventurous young hero with the strange power to change into an "electro alter" with the click of a button, located on his belt. In doing this, he can become anything he needs to be in any givin situation he's faced with, due to him undergoing a secret experiment conducted on him many years ago that has caused his blood cells to be electro mutated and mixed with the DNA of over a million people from. These Electro Alter's enable Oliver to have abilities and skills that one would only dream of. This fun adventure Places him in a convience store surrounded by everyday ordanary people until things go terribly a wry . Find out if our boy hero comes out on top or falls flat on his face.

comics: Electro Blood Z: mini Vol. 1

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