Nature: Double Exposed Volume II

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Published by:
Las Fotos Project
Digest / 8.25" x 5.25"
134 pages Perfect-bound
art, creative, double exposure, Latin, Latina, LATINO, nature, nonprofit, photography, student

Over the summer of 2012, Las Fotos Project student photographer, Lizbeth Rojas conducted a series of workshops with youth from Girls Today Women Tomorrow in Boyle Heights, CA. The workshops focused on reconnecting with nature and exploring their imaginations and creativity through the medium of photography.

Each student received an analog camera and one roll of 35mm film, as well as instruction and guidance on how to create photographs using a technique known as double-exposure, in which film is exposed through the camera twice, creating unexpected juxtapositions and layered effects. The students photographed the natural world during a hike through the San Gabriel Mountains, then reloaded the film and took the cameras home to document their friends, family, and community members. The resulting images depict loved ones intertwined with flowers, trees, and other natural forms. Nature: Double-Exposed is a culmination of the girls’ photographs and self-expressive words.

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Nature: Double Exposed Volume II

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