Portrait Photographer:

The Lighting Asylum

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Published by:
Mark Behrens
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
78 pages Perfect-bound
canon, light. photography, lighting, nikon, photo, portrait. learn, strobist, tips, tricks

The Lighting Asylum workbook takes you through what it takes to be a great photographer, what you need to know… It gives you the “whys” of lighting rather than just recipes.

I take you from general principles of light; things like, what makes light soft and what flash will do for your photographs. I then introduce you to the five components of flash photograph and how they work, and how to make them work for you.

Learn what aspect of the exposure is controlled by your shutter speed, what is controlled by your aperture, and how flash power, flash distance and ISO play into it. With an understanding of these five components you WILL create the portraits that have eluded your grasp.

Stop the madness, get yourself committed… to the Lighting Asylum!

Also in Portrait Photographer

1 other publication

Portrait Photographer: The Lighting Asylum

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