The 21st Century Educator Magazine (Summer 2012)

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Published by:
Monica Sevilla
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
30 pages Perfect-bound
Curriculum, education, lessons, Magazine, standards, technology, web

The 21st Century Educator was created to help educators such as yourself, learn about the latest technology and how it can be integrated and applied as a powerful learning tool into the curriculum. The 21st Century Educator was designed for educators to attain these technological skills and be able to teach their students how to use 21st century skills now and in the future.

This exciting new magazine is dedicated to keeping you up-to-date and providing you the latest information about technology and standards-based strategies to use in your curriculum. We feature stimulating articles, tutorials, effective lessons, and engaging workshops.

Innovative, educator resources and tools are integrated into every issue of the magazine. We take the time to research what’s new and useful in the world of education from a technological standpoint. Whether it’s a new book, web-based or technology tool, our goal is to keep you informed!

Other Publications by Monica Sevilla

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The 21st Century Educator Magazine (Summer 2012)

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