Kasama Press:

Eyes on the Maobadi: 4 Reasons Nepal’s Revolution Matters

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Published by:
Kasama Project
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Asia, communism, communist, India, maoism, maoist, nepal, revolution, revolutionary

Something remarkable is happening. A whole generation of people has never seen a radical, secular, revolutionary movement rise with popular support. And yet here it is – in Nepal today.

This movement has overthrown Nepal’s hated King Gyanendra and abolished the medieval monarchy. It has created a revolutionary army that now squares off with the old King’s army.

It has built parallel political power in remote rural areas over a decade of guerrilla war – undermining feudal traditions like the caste system.

It has gathered broad popular support and emerged as the leading force of an unprecedented Constituent Assembly (CA).

And it has done all this under the radical banner of Maoist communism — advocating a fresh attempt at socialism and a classless society around the world.

People in Nepal call these revolutionaries the Maobadi.

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Kasama Press: Eyes on the Maobadi: 4 Reasons Nepal’s Revolution Matters

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