#1 must have - a photo zine for queers - issue 1

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
LICK! seattle
Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
24 pages Saddle-stitched
Gay & Lesbian
lgbt, LICK, photography, photos, queer, zine

This project is about visibility, celebrating diverse queer people, and re-framing the queer experience outside of the victim paradigm often seen in popular culture. It is a way to communicate about non-mainstream queer culture and share empowering images of queerness. #1 must have is a representation, an artifact, and a celebration of queerness in individual terms. We are lucky enough to have incredible love and support in our queer community(ies); our hope is that viewers will find similar empowerment and inspiration through these images. // more! - http://number1musthave.tumblr.com - facebook.com/lickseattle - lickseattle@gmail.com

#1 must have - a photo zine for queers - issue 1

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