Art Market Magazine:

Art Market Magazine. Issue #97, September 2024

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Published by:
Dafna Navarro
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
116 pages Perfect-bound
Art Market Magazine, AvRaam Cohen, contemporary art, David Guez, David Moješčík, Denitsa Mihaylova, Hayam Elsayed, Mark Huebner, Nelson Etok, Ruby Li

We are pleased to feature an exclusive interview highlighting the work of Nigerian artist Nelson Etok, whose art combines chaos and tranquility. David Moješčík creates stunning sculptures inspired by East Buddhist spiritualism and the romanticized aesthetic of past bourgeois cultures. Emerging artist Ruby Li explores the theme of Social Disorientation through her captivating paintings. Hayam Elsayed's contemporary realism portraits, created with the techniques of the Old Masters, showcase her exceptional talent and skill. NY-based artist AvRaam Cohen transforms 2D images into mesmerizing 3D sculptures. David Guez's exploration of identity and tradition through his art offers thought-provoking insights into the complexities of our modern world. Mark Huebner focuses on the cycles of change on a physical level and the energy between creation and destruction. Denitsa Mihaylova's decorative and expressive art beautifully captures the magical essence of the Spirit in nature. Enjoy!

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Art Market Magazine: Art Market Magazine. Issue #97, September 2024

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