Anointed Author Magazine:

Anointed Author Magazine-Featuring Robin Sample

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Published by:
Dr. Tamika Hall
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
34 pages Perfect-bound
author, faith-based, Magazine

It's a magazine takeover featuring Robin M. Sample and the co-authors of, “I Made It To the Other Side of Through.” This anthology features inspiring personal stories written by a diverse group of women from all walks of life. This collection is designed to support, uplift, and empower women as they navigate the storms and challenges they encounter along their life journeys. “I Made It To the Other Side of Through” is a must-read for women seeking inspiration, encouragement, and a sense of solidarity as they face the storms that life throws their way. It is a celebration of the indomitable spirit of women and a powerful reminder that they have the strength to weather any storm that comes their way.

Anointed Author Magazine: Anointed Author Magazine-Featuring Robin Sampl...

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