Spiritual Heroes:

The Nine Nath Yogis

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Namarupa Categories of Indian Thought
Digest / 5.25" x 8.25"
42 pages Perfect-bound
ancient, health, hindu, Hinduism, India, Legends, Magic, Mythology, practice, shiva, spirit, spiritual, Yoga, Yogi

Where does the primordial tradition of yoga come from, and who has shaped it down the centuries?

According to the traditions of the Nāth Saṃpradāya, an ascetic sect with many internal branches, some of which wield far-reaching religious and political influence in modern India, yoga originated from Śiva, the Supreme Reality of pure consciousness manifest as the transformative force in Creation. Śiva taught his powerful, forceful method for obtaining immortality through liberation to Matsyendranāth, who then passed the knowledge down to his disciple Gorakhnāth, the founder of the Nāth yoga tradition...This booklet brings together stories of the Nāths from various sources to inspire, entertain and inform.

Spiritual Heroes: The Nine Nath Yogis

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