International Lens Magazine:

Lens Magazine. March 2024. The Colorful Issue

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Welcome to this month's Lens Magazine, an edition entirely dedicated to the captivating power of color. This issue features world-renowned photographers presenting their projects across a range of genres. Acclaimed travel photographer Piper Mackay showcases her stunning portraits of the Suri tribe in Omo Valley, Ethiopia. The influential duo of photographers, Sandro Miller and Mark Edward Harris, provide an in-depth look into their fascinating Masterclass and their latest journey in India. Christy Lee Rogers presents her latest project, 'Muses of Avatar,' featuring Zoe Saldaña, Sigourney Weaver, and Kate Winslet in Underwater Art. Hussam Sleiby exhibits a captivating collection where old paintings and contemporary still-life photography intertwine. Vava Venezia Dellert showcases her intriguing project, 'The Last Picture Show,' For a Drowning World 2024. Angelika Eppert invites viewers to journey through an abstract kaleidoscope of botanical wonder. Enjoy the Colorful Issue 2024.

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International Lens Magazine: Lens Magazine. March 2024. The Colorful Iss...

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