
ArtsNFashion Fall Issue 2011

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Published by:
ArtsNFashion Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
50 pages Perfect-bound
art, ArtsNFashion, Blew-Print Modeling, fashion, Linda McCall, Magazine, Michele Rossi, Paola Hornbuckle, Richard Platt, Roger Bean, san diego, Taylor Hay, Theatre, Yonah Eveline

ArtsNFashion magazine’s sophomore issue is all about People. In art as in life, no man is an island. In this issue, we find many artists from different walks, but with similar stories of being helped or helping others with their art, inspiring or being inspired and providing outlets or looking for outlets to display their work. Paola Hornbuckle interviews Blew-Print Modeling co-owner, Yonah Eveline who along with her colleague Kevin Young and Blew-Print models, Nayeli Ponce, Jesse Barba, Mercedes Torres and Natalie Garavelli graces our fall 2011 cover. She lifts others as she lifted herself from bullied teen to model, business owner and most importantly friend or more affectionately referred to as “Mamma Bear”. People helping people is the name of the game in the business of art and fashion. ArtsNFashion finds as does Robert Rafton, a photographer from Toronto, Canada that “…stories about people and the human experience will always be the most powerful kind of artistic expression”. We hope you enjoy!

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ArtsnFashion: ArtsNFashion Fall Issue 2011

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