Shawl Patterns:

Comfy Cozy Shawl

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Sierra Kreun
Pamphlet / 8.25" x 10.75"
4 pages Half-Fold
Crafts & Hobbies
knit pattern, knitting, shawl, Triangle Shawl

Don’t you just want to be all comfy cozy with a squishy shawl on during cool day? Comfy Cozy is the perfect compliment to the fingering weight yarn in your stash and your want for a squishy shawl! Comfy Cozy is easy to wrap around your neck and style; you make this design as simple or fashionable just with your color choice!

Comfy Cozy is a top down triangle shawl that starts with a garter tab cast on and then moves into an easy-to-memorize broken rib repeat. The broken rib is separated by a few garter stitch rows. The original design was knit with one color but has notes in the pattern to be knit with two or more!

Also in Shawl Patterns

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Shawl Patterns: Comfy Cozy Shawl

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