Pump it up magazine:

Pump it up Magazine - Hollywood Hair King - KOREY FITZGERALD

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Published by:
Editions L.A.
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
34 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
beautymagazine, fashionmagazine, fitness, glamsquad, hairstylist, hollywoodhairstylist, Magazine, magazinecover

Greeting everyone,

It’s officially fall, the leaves are falling but the heat is still on in California.Speaking of heat, and gossip . I’ve been hearing more and more about the developing story regarding Ray J and the Kardashians. Basketball,season is just around the corner and the Boston Celtics are dealing with a major scandal.

Is it a rumor or truth that Rihanna will be performing at the Super Bowl ? That should be entertaining at the least. R.I.P Coolio, you will be missed.\I’m excited to have talented ,hair stylist, and beauty consultant Korey Fitzgerald (Follow @hollywoodhairking on instagram ) on the cover for September. You will be seeing and hearing a lot from this young man in the not too distant future.

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Pump it up magazine: Pump it up Magazine - Hollywood Hair King - KOREY F...

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