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Published by:
Fashion Couture Magazine
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
36 pages Perfect-bound
Fashion & Style
Fashion Chicago Magazine, Fashion News, FCM Magazine, fcm style, Hissyfit Cosmetics, International Fashion, Magazine, Oprah Winfrey, Reggie Wells

This month we have the THE SUPERHERIONE ISSUE –Think more of the cults, the trends, the visuals - many acts of past and present were all about their brands, the image and vibe. Explore what this means in terms of the visuals, the fashion - what might the acts of tomorrow look like? Venus and Isis the goddess of love come to mind. Also featured two new photographers Photographer LUANA CALABRO' (Milan, Italy) Power of White; Photographer : Christèle Jacquemin (Paris, France) Lingerie in France. Alessandro Mari (Rome, Italy) NYC Jungle; Photographer: Cristina Carra Caso (Glasglow, Scotland) Out of time; Lucinda Wedge Desert Heat; Emily Soto Sweet Days of Summer; Oprah's former make-up artrist Reggie Wells interview.

Also in Fashion Chicago Magazine

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Fashion Chicago Magazine: August Issue

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