Oz Babes Magazine:

Oz Babes Magazine October 2021 - Dina

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Models: Alexandra Ross, Rachel Ashley Johnson, Hayley Mordue, Dina Capilnean, Donemala Phanalasy Photographers: Michael Kluch, Jess Owens, Colin Bates, Sean Sylvester

Oz Babes Magazine is designed for the Aussie bloke and every other person who enjoys the beauty of our Stunning Australian Babes.

Its layout and design is to show the world that its not fame from Australian Glamourous Babes but they’re unique natural look.

Whats acceptable? Swimwear, Bikini, Lingerie, Tasteful Implied, Fitness, Topless, Nudes, Erotica, Cars, Bikes, Boats.

Featured articles would be? Playboy Style, Penthouse Style.

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Oz Babes Magazine: Oz Babes Magazine October 2021 - Dina

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